Thursday, June 09, 2005

Day 6: 9th June 2005. Onwards to Copenhagen.

On this day, we travelled more than 750km to reach our destination for the evening, stopping frequently to catch the beautiful scenery in the Danish countryside.

Lolland was particularly beautiful: if you can spend the time, do use it well the next time you visit Denmark. Visit the countryside and spend a week there.

We took the barge across the 20km to Denmark via the northern port of Germany, Puttgarden.

The journey was merely an hour and we reached the Danish shores just at about 5pm, ready for a white night: The sun doesn't really set in summer here. You still get faint traces of the sun's rays all thoughout the night.

Then we got a beautiful sunset.

It was unimaginably breathtaking. The grass was a beautiful green and the sun burst through the clouds above. This scene held for about 2 hours. The sun barely moved in the horizon. We never get this kind of sunset any further south than here, and the scene was simply spectacular.

And then, just before we arrived at Copenhagen, we came across this incredible location. We shall not reveal it as this is a sanctuary for some extremely rare birds as well. Please enquire with us privately if you wish to know more.

This was quite possibly THE most spectacular scene we had come across by far.
Photos cannot possibly do justice to what lay before our eyes, unlike what is usually the case for most places.
The sun was setting in the right of this shot. The clouds were hanging low and drifting slowly. The horizon was indistinct as there hung a blue mist somewhere in the far distance which somehow clung on to both the sea and the sky at the same time.
The gradient of colours was amazing. From emerald green, to turqoise, to pale blue, to pink, to orange to dark blue. All the hues of colours which make for a dream sunset.

We arrived in Copenhagen at nearly midnight, and settled in for a good night's rest.


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